Friday, August 28, 2009

Baby Mason

I was really hoping for a 4th of July baby. I thought it would be a really fun birthday, a big party wth fireworks. I thought I was going to get my wish when contractions started around midnight on the 3rd. I thought, Great, I've got 24 hours, plenty of time. Nope the 4th came and went, although contractions stayed. After 36 hours of labor Mason made his appearance the morning of the 5th. (and I thought by #6 they were supposed to just fall out of you...nope) I can't complain though after an emergency C-section last time I was very blessed to VBAC this time.

At 37 weeks I decided I wanted a waterbirth, and Reed said go for it. So I rushed to get everything I needed before I went into labor (the hospital allows waterbirth but doesn't supply the equipment) It was fantastic, you know how a warm bath helps you relax after a long day, it does the same thing in labor. Mason weighed 6lbs 3oz and was 19 inches long. Reed was able to deliver him which was very cool. His own was the first baby he ever delivered underwater. All the nurses called Mason Nemo it was pretty funny.

Hangin out on my birth ball waiting for Reed to blow up the birth pool

I didn't want to shell out $300 for an official birth tub especially when this is the exact same dimensions and material for $20. Besides what better way to enter the world than to be greeted by happy neon fish. I'm sure thats why he's such a good baby.

isn't he cute!

aren't they cute!

You know there are a lot of us when we don't all fit on the bed. That's a lot of boys! Can you tell Conner is a ham?

getting ready to go home

Mason at 7 weeks

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just needed a good reason to start blogging again

So after a year hiatus I have decided it's time to re enter the blogging world. I'm thinking I just needed something really cool to blog about and what is cooler than the...


Ann (my sister-in-law) called one afternoon and asked, "do you know who the Wiggles are?" I was like doesn't everybody know who the Wiggles are? Obviously not. She says I have free tickets for tonight if you guys want to go. Definately!! So I told the kids I had a surprise for them and we hurried and ate dinner and went to see the Wiggles live. It was Awsome! When we walked in they were selling Wiggles paraphenelia everywhere so Emma figured it out pretty quick. They were SO excited. Here are a few pics...

Dancing in the aisle

Parker loved it, he sat with a silly grin on his face and just stared at them, of course you'll notice Dad has the same silly grin on his face.

It was a really fun night one the kids will remember. Thanks Ann, you're the best!